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3 Herbs for Allergy Season

There are a lot of herbs that can help you get through allergy season, but I want to break down three herbs that are great for those of us who tend to have watery allergy responses.


Kidney support function

Diabetic effects

Mineral nutritive

Antiinflammatory properties

Chlorophyll = phytochemical

There was a study done comparing freeze-dried nettle and claritin. The study showed that nettle was as effective as claritin in the reduction of allergy symptoms

You can take this as a tincture, infusion, or capsule.

If you want more of the mineral nutritive properties, you will want to eat the whole leaf rather than parts of the plant.


Nasal Congestion

Sinus pain

Liver Support

Reduces the growth of harmful bacteria

You may want to have it as a tincture over tea because of the plant's flavor.

fast acting

If you tend to run dry, but in allergy season you are wetter, you will want to be careful with this herb because it is very drying and it can aggravate you in a different way than you are anticipating.

If you want to use this herb specifically, you will want to sip on herbs that are moistening to balance the eyebright.

Ground Ivy;

Digestive Support

Sinus Congestion

Supports Kidney Function

Eye Health

It can help clear the mucus membranes

It is also used to help bring down fevers

Ground Ivy is good about getting your lymph moving and keeping congestion from staying in one place and that is when sinus pressure tends to show itself.

You can use it in soups, or sauces. Of course, you can always take it as a tincture, tea, or infusion.

Using it as a tincture is the most common way to get it in. When using it as a tincture, you will use every part of the plant above the dirt.

*This does not constitute medical advice and your doctor should be contacted when beginning any new therapy.*



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