Why Should You Open Your Windows?
There are 5 reasons that you should open the windows in your house, and I want to share them with you now!
Improved indoor air quality.
Did you know that your indoor air quality can be 2-5x more polluted than outdoor air? The reason our indoor air quality can be so poor is because of candles, cleaning products, and even cooking. Depending on what candles and cleaning products you are using, there are toxins in your home, and unless you open windows and let the house air out, those toxins are trapped inside your house.
Strengthened Immune System.
When you open your windows, you are inviting different microbiomes into your home, meaning you are diversifying the ones in your homes and thus strengthening your immune system. In simpler terms, you are exposing yourself to different germs and allowing your immune system to learn how to fight off different things in the air.
Removes Dust mites.
The reason opening your windows can help with dust accumulation is that when the windows open, you are getting the air moving within the home. When you have air moving within the home, the dust is not able to settle the way it would with only stagnant air.
Less need for air fresheners.
If you have ever walked into a house that had an old stagnant smell, it is probably because the windows have not been opened in a while. In the same way that having them open helps remove toxins, it also helps clean out the air.
More oxygen within the home.
When you open the windows you are letting more clean oxygen into the home which not only helps you to breathe easier, but also helps with concentration, an increase in energy, and better rest at night.
So as you can see, there are many reasons to open your windows, and these are just a few! Studies show that just 20 minutes a day can for you to receive these benefits!