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Why live a Holistic Lifestyle

We live in a very fast-paced world that rarely slows down. With the advancements in technology, fast food popping up on every corner, and online shopping, it might sound counterproductive to slow down and go back to a more holistic way of living. I want to share a few reasons why going back to a time when we spent more time in the kitchen, and know what we put in our bodies may be the best way of living for a large group of people.

First, what is holistic living?

Holistic living: a lifestyle that nourishes your mind, body, and soul. It is a way of living life that lets you look at the big picture – the whole person. Holistic living works with modern medicine but will go beyond the singular treatment of symptoms to support more than just the body.

Now that we understand what holistic living is, we need to understand the 5 aspects that holistic living covers. They are; Physical, Emotional, Social, Spiritual, and Mental.

Emotional & Mental

One of the most important parts of any lifestyle you choose is mental health. Holistic living is no different and may focus on mental health more than other lifestyles. Here are a few ways to focus on your emotional health.

  1. Keep a journal; This is good for those days you have a lot bundled inside and you need to get out your feelings, but don't necessarily want to talk with someone.

  2. Seek therapy; There will be days that you need to speak with someone to help you get through what you are dealing with. While you may need an actual therapist, some days you may just need a therapy session with your best friend.

  3. Practice mindfulness & gratitude; Yes, there will be days that you may only be able to say you are thankful for your morning cup of coffee, but the more you practice the more you realize how much you have to be thankful for.

  4. Keep active: This is good not only for mental health, emotional health, but also physical health! When you take 30 minutes to an hour walking/ running / doing yoga outside your endorphins are released and you may have more mental clarity.


Physical health may be the main thing most people think of when they think of health. While it is a major indicator that something may be wrong, it is not the only thing. Here are a few tricks to help you keep your physical health in peak condition.

  1. Limit processed foods: processed foods are typically inflammatory and most nutrients are stripped from what you are eating.

  2. Sleep: sleeping is one of our body's best defenses against illness. While we are asleep our bodies are busy at work repairing from the day.

  3. Eat a nutrient-dense diet: Again, we want to make sure we are getting the most nutrients possible when eating a meal and that is done by making sure we are eating whole foods that are kept in their natural state as much as possible.


This is one aspect that many think is focused on religion, and while that is partially true, it is not true. Here are a few tips on how to keep your spiritual side healthy.

  1. Spend time in nature: when we spend time in nature, we tend to realize our place in the universe and help us to not become too big-headed when it comes to the food chain of life.

  2. If you are religious, as I am, take time and practice your religion/faith.

Last but not least we have, Social

Some people are more extroverted than others, but studies have shown that no matter how much of an intro/ extrovert you are, humans are happiest when they spend time with the community.

  1. Set boundaries: This may seem like a counter-intuitive tip, but it is very important to know what your boundaries are and know when it is time to walk away from a bad relationship.

  2. Have in-person connections: Yes, we are living in a time where facetime, zoom, texts, Facebook, etc, have made it so easy to not have a true personal connection. However, it is so important to take at least one day a week and connect with someone in person.

  3. Get involved: Join your community! Get involved in volunteering at your local soup kitchen, join a prayer circle, audition for your community theater. The more you get involved the better your mental, and emotional health will become!

There you have it friends, a brief introduction to holistic living! I am still learning every day how to be more holistic so I do not claim to be the expert on this subject, but I am taking classes to help me become more informed.

Are you interested in living a more holistic life? Send me a message or comment so we can connect below and cheer each other on our journies!


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