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Herbal Terminology

Have you ever sat at a doctor's office as they are talking and thought "What in the world does that mean" Well, this also happens in the herbal world! An herbalist may say this herb is antiseptic, astringent, etc but what do these words actually mean?

Well, today I am going to help you understand them a little better!

Analgesic - relieve pain

Antipyretic - prevent / reduce fever

Antiasthmatic- relieving / counteracting asthma symptoms

Antibiotic - inhibits the growth / destroys microorganisms

Anticatarrhal - removes excess mucous from the body

Antiseptic - prevent the growth of disease causing microorganisms

Antispasmodic - relieve spasm of involuntary muscle

Carmininative - relieving flatulence

Cholagogue - stimulates the release of bile from the gallbladder

Diaphoretic - inducing perspiration

Emollient - reduces inflammation & irritation

Expectorant - loosens mucus making coughs more productive

Galactagogue - promotes lactation

Lithotriptic - helps eliminate kidney stones

Nervine - provides calming support for the nervous system

Parasiticide - kills parasites other than bacteria & fungi

Rubefacients - increase in blood circulation

Sialagogue - stimulates the flow of saliva to aid digestion

Stimulant - raises levels of physiological or nervous activity in the body

Stomatic - of or relating to a mouth / mouthlike part

Sedative - promoting calm or inducing sleep

Vermifuge - destroys worms

Vulnerary - promotes wound healing

Do you think you will be coming back to this post when you are uncertain of a word?

Did you know any of these meanings?

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