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Herbs for Women

Seeing it is Internation Women's Day, I would be remiss to not take a few moments and talk about herbs that every woman should consider adding to their lifestyle!

Black cohosh is native to North America and is used to support the female reproductive system and can help with hormonal balance.

Vitex is native to the Mediterranean. It is commonly used for hormonal balance. This herb is good during a woman’s menstrual cycle, especially if it is painful. This herb is also good if you have ever found yourself thinking that your hormones are “out of whack”.

If your thyroid is not working correctly, it could be because of your adrenals. This means that herbs that support the adrenals are a great option for you.

An herb that supports your adrenal movement is Maca.

Maca is native to the mountains of Peru. It not only supports adrenal movement, it can also help your body adapt to overall stress within the body. It also promotes a healthy libido as well.

Tulsi is native to North Central India. It is good for you mamas who are busy trying to do it all. This herb can help with stress management and mental clarity.

and finally,

Red Clover is native to Europe. This herb has many uses including; encouraging detox of the body, it is good when you are having hot flashes, and vaginal dryness, and supports the lymphatic system.

* This is not medical advice and you should always consult your doctor before starting something new. *



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